In his annual budget speech, he outlines the Government's budgetary proposals and moves the Appropriation Bill, which gives legal effect to the annual expenditure proposals contained in the Budget. 财政司司长每年发表财政预算案演词,概述政府的财政预算建议,并动议通过《拨款条例草案》,使每年预算案中各项开支建议具有法律效力。
The act provided a continuing annual appropriation; the continuing struggle to put food on the table. 这一法案提供了持续的年度拨款;维持生活的不断努力。
In the financing origin, as the important source of funds of urban construction, the government finance which is influenced by annual appropriation of budget funds to a small extent, has been very difficult to satisfy the large amount fund of urban center region development. 在融资来源上,政府财政作为城市建设重要的资金来源,由于受预算资金分年度拨付而且每年分配的资金量较小影响,很难满足城市中心区域开发的巨额资金需求。